Sunday, 9 September 2012


Sept. 09

I had rain in my hometown. Now, I come back here in Calgary and I see rain again falling from the sky. Tiny drops on the green and yellow trees. Now, it's getting cold outside. However, I am typing these words on my computer sitting on a comfortable chair in warm office room. It feels cozy and moreover I have a cup of hot tea on my right hand side. It feels really good when you watch rainfall from your window holding a cup of tea on your hand.

Rain reminds of an ecosystem that I used to read in my elementary school. The water from sea, river etc. goes to the sky and becomes cloud. When black clouds roar then it rains. Yes, a natural cycle. It never ends. However, every time I see rain, I just want to go outside and feel it. Feel each and every drop that hits on your face. Rain washes pain away down from every corners of your soul.

In global terms, rain is an essential part of every living creature, for it is the source of water that we drink and use for other countless purposes. Crops need rain to grow and so we do. Therefore, let us enjoy the moments as it rains.

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